*Three Exercise Progression to Deadlift with Less Back Pain

Today, let’s pretend for a second that anything leaning over feels awful. Deadlifts are out of the question. And midback and lower back tension are like WHOA. 

You my friend are into the world of “I need more hip internal rotation.” 

And this step by step setup below is exactly how I would do it. In fact, the following has been a 3 move sequence I use for my clients time and time again when they have trouble sitting their hips back. 

The Biggest Keys for These: 

  • Patience. If you fly through these moves, you will not see a result. Everyone loves stretching because its easy to just randomly lean over and reach towards your foot and hope your hamstring stretches. These require focus and attention to detail. BUT, when done right, lead to some of the biggest mobility change you can come across. 

  • Long exhales, silent inhales. If your exhale is not lasting more than 5 seconds, you simply aren’t giving the ribs a chance to move much. Let the air fall out of you for a while and then inhale through your nose without looking like you are trying to show the world your inner nostrils. 

  • Don’t lose your ribs. When you allow your ribs to fly to the sky, head to tilt hard forward or back, you are trying to achieve the position from everywhere else. Keep it still, relax into the positions. 

  • Up to 5 sets of 5 breaths of one move BEFORE moving on to the next. 

The THREE Big Moves (plus one bonus)

  1. Hooklying Tilt Breathing with Knee Squeeze (Posterior Tilt and Hip External Rotation)

  2. Very High Wall Sit With Reach and Knee Squeeze (Posterior Tilt and Reducing Posterior Compression)

  3. Frog Breathing (Restoring Hip Internal Rotation and Freeing Up Space)

  4. Wall Push Hinge Reach (Practice the Movement)

Give these a shot and drop a comment with how they felt.


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